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please note I am away until 20th feb. all orders will be shipped from 21st onward
Hi, I'm Kat thanks for visiting my page.
My bright, bold and playful style is all about creating a connection with the beauty and joy of the natural world. Too often we are rushing around focused on a million things when actually just stopping to smell the roses, literally, can bring us back to ourselves.
When you open a package from Plant Based Paintings I want you to experience that excitement that I got from that first spark of inspiration, to painting it, creating it and packing it with care.
Every order over £3 plants a tree in the Amazon rainforest and is packaged in a plastic free, eco conscious way.
It's all about connecting with nature and feeling great about it!
To find out more about me, check out my story below, or you can listen to my interview with the Moms Who Create Podcast on Spotify here.
Need to chat? Email me at kat@plantbasedpaintings.com

A dream of a life
Why it is never too late to create more joy
After leaving school I studied first graphic design, then fine art up to university level. I adored my time at art college but university was sadly quite disappointing as they made it clear that making a career out of art was an exclusive club and that making a success out of it was extremely rare.
I left my course early, trusting their opinion, and went on to get a sensible job instead. At home on maternity leave nearly two decades later, I was made redundant and it really hit home that it was now or never to actually pursue my art.
That was in 2019 and since then I have sold lots of art and my business has planted lots of trees! And what is most important to me is that I am inspiring my daughters to live their dreams too.
I will never again listen to people who tell me things are not possible...now with the internet any artist or crafter can get their art into the world and I can't wait to see where this experience takes me next.
To hear more about my story and keep up to date with it all, click here to get my weekly newsletter
With love, Kat Xx
Photo credit: Zuleikafray.com